Details for Phenotype: LNmassC average Control BenignConditions FloodingExperiment (ID: 342)

Phenotype ID:
LNmassC average Control BenignConditions FloodingExperiment
Cultivated species
Carbon nitrogen content
Carbon nitrogen content
No unit available
Phenotype Description
Leaf Nitrogen Composition; average control benign conditions flooding experiment
Phenotype Scoring
The recently fully-expanded leaf on each plant was collected, scanned and then dried at 60 °C to constant mass. The dry leaves were ground with ball mill to fine powder then dried again at 60 °C before weighing out 2-5 mg for Nitrogen analysis with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (PDZ Europa Integra Cheshire England) which estimates total elemental concentrations in UBC Forestry Stable Isotope Facility. Nmass (%): mass-based nitrogen concentration

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Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Dominik Grimm
Professorship of Bioinformatics

TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS)
Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT)
Petersgasse 18
93415 Straubing

dominik.grimm [at]

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Type of business: Research Institute

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